sábado, 4 de setembro de 2010

Love Hate

Esse é o título do roteiro que eu planejava fazer. De agora em diante, vou postar ele aqui e ver o que acontece. Creio que ninguém irá ler, ainda mais porque é em inglês, mas vamos lá!
Bom, trata-se duma história em que dois grandes ex amigos(Jennifer e Matthew) se reaproximam depois de uma briga muito da estúpida. Enfim, let's goooo!

Street, Jenny's getting home, Matt's doing something outside his house)

- Hey, Jenny, how's your neck? (Matts laughing)
- Fine! (she's angry here)
- Great. Are you ready to lose again?
- Go to hell, idiot!(He laughs, but she's getting into her house and he has to scream to answer)
- Ok, but i'll wait for you to come with me!
- Grow up, Matthew! Asshole!

Jenny's House:

- Hey, i'm home!
- We're here, dear! (Jenny's mom says form the kitchen)
- Hey, mom!
- Hello, sweetheart, how are you doing?
- I'm fine. Hey, Casey! (her sister)
- What's up?
- Hmm... Where's dad?
- Oh, you know your father! He's taking a walk and...
- Buying some presents!
- Ok. I'll be upstars if you need me, ok?
- Ok, sweetheart. The dinner will be ready at 8:00.
- Ok.
- Hm, Jenn?
- Yes?
- Go, go, i wanna talk to you (Casey says, whispering)
- Ok.

Matt's House:

- Matt! (His little sister, 4 years old)
- Hoho, hello little butterfly! How are you doing?
- I'm fine. Listen, you know father Nicolas, right?
- Oh, yes, i know him!
- Do you know if he has presents 4 me?
- Well, i don't know... But he always has presents for the kids, beautiful.
- Ok!
- Ok?
- All right, than. Give me a hug! (he hugs ger)

..... Depois posto mais! Beijinhoooooos :*